インドからのweather reportが届きました…
インドからのweather reportが届きましたので、転載させていただきます。ダージリン、アッサムでは、良好な天候が続いているようです。
Upper Assam : Good second flush type weather is prevailing in most of the tea growing districts. There has been a good rain over the past few days coupled with bright sunshine. North Bank : Good growing conditios are being experienced here too. The weather is hot and humid which is conducive for good quality followed by intermittent rain. Darjeeling : There was good rainfall over the weekend. Now it is mostly overcast with an occassional downpour followed by intermittent sunshine. 2nd flush prospects continue to be good. Dooars/Terai : There has been incessant rain for the last 4-5 days with hardly any sunshine. Crops continue to be behind. However, June prospects appear to be better. ちなみに、スリランカでは雨が多く、まだウヴァのクオリティーシーズンの到来には時間がかかるようです。 産地の息吹 > ダージリン | - | trackbacks (0)2006.06.07 Wednesday TRACKBACK URI